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Leading with AI and analytics : build your data science IQ to drive business value
Eric Anderson
Data Science
John D. Kelleher
The Hydrogen Economy: Fundamentals, Technology, Economics
Duncan Seddon
Introduction to Hydrogen Technology
K. S. V. Santhanam, Roman J. Press, Massoud J. Miri, Alla V. Bailey, Gerald A. Takacs
Biochemistry (9th Edition)
Jeremy M. Berg, Lubert Stryer, John Tymoczko, Gregory Gatto
Materials and the environment: Eco-informed material choice
Ashby, Michael F.
Metallurgy for the non-metallurgist
Reardon, Arthur C.
Dynamical systems with applications using Python
Stephen Lynch
Mineral resource estimation
Mario Rossi
The codebreakers : the comprehensive history of secret communication from ancient times to the internet
David Kahn
Programming language pragmatics
Michael Lee Scott
Preparación y evaluación de proyectos
Nassir Sapag Chain
Properties of concrete
Adam M. Neville
Diseño y evaluación de proyectos : un enfoque integrado Autor
Eduardo Contreras
Security engineering : a guide to building dependable distributed systems
Ross Anderson
Techniques in underground mining : selections from Underground mining methods handbook
Richard E. Gertsch editor
GSLIB : geostatistical software library and user’s guide
Clayton V. Deutsch
Security engineering : a guide to building dependable distributed systems
Ross Anderson
Properties of concrete
Adam M. Neville
Programming language pragmatics
Michael Lee
Diseño y evaluación de proyectos : un enfoque integrado
Eduardo Contreras
Techniques in underground mining : selections from Underground mining methods handbook
Richard E. Gertsch