A un click

A un clickALUMNOS






Deciding who lives : fateful choices in the intensive-care nursery
Renée R. Anspach
Ethnographic research in the social sciences
Madhulika Sahoo
Climate change and liberal priorities
Gideon Calder
Climate change and political theory
Catriona McKinnon
Legal Hermeneutics: History, Theory, and Practice
Leyh, Gregory
Regulating transnational heritage: Memory, identity and diversity
Bruncevic, Merima
Precariedad, exclusión, marginalidad: Una historia conceptual de la pobreza
Forte Monge, Juan Manuel /Sánchez Madrid, Nuria
Nonprofit organizations: theory, management, policy
Anheier, Helmut K.
El mosaico argentino: Modelos y representaciones del espacio y de la población, siglos XIX-XX
Otero, Hernán
Heritage and Globalisation
Labadi, Sophia (Editor)/ Long, Colin (Editor)
Post-Democracy after the crises
Crouch, Colin
In defense of anarchism
Wolff, Robert Paul
Relational autonomy: Feminist perspectives on autonomy, agency, and the social self
Mackenzie, Catriona/Stoljar, Natalie
La autonomía de las personas: Una capacidad relacional
Álvarez Medina, Silvina
The Many and the Few: Political participation in republican Buenos Aires
Sabato, Hilda
Leviathan: Body politic as visual strategy in the work of Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes, Thomas
Personal autonomy in society
Oshana, Marina
Autonomy, oppression, and gender
Veltman, Andrea
The theory and practice of autonomy
Dworkin, Gerald
Law’s relations: A relational theory of self, autonomy, and law
Nedelsky, Jennifer
Radiografía de una derrota : o cómo Chile cambió sin que la concertación se diera cuenta
Eugenio Tironi
The origins of political order : from prehuman times to the French Revolution
Francis Fukuyama
Que gane «el más mejor» : Mérito y competencia en el Chile de hoy
Eduardo Engel
El estudio de las políticas públicas
Harold D Lasswell
Peter Sloterdijk
El hombre unidimensional
Herbert Marcuse
El púlpito y la plaza : clero, sociedad y política de la monarquía católica a la república rosista
Roberto Di Stefano
Crítica de la razón instrumental
Max Horkheimer
Poor economics : a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty
Abhijit V. Banerjee
The knowledge we have lost in information : the history of information in modern economics
Philip Mirowski