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Temas actuales de derecho patrimonial : Tercer Congreso de Derecho Civil de la Facultad de Derecho de la U. Católica de la Santísima Concepción
Carlos Céspedes Muñoz
Sistemas de partidos en América Latina : causas y consecuencias de su equilibrio inestable
David Altman
Reliance in the breaking-off of contractual negotiations : trust and expectation in a comparative perspective
Isabel Margarita Zuloaga Ríos
Presidencialismo y parlamentarismo : América Latina y Europa meridional : Argentina, Brasil, Chile, España, Italia, México, Portugal y Uruguay
Octavio Amorim Prieto
Images of organization
Gareth Morgan
Visión lógica del derecho : Una defensa del racionalismo jurídico
Lorenzo Peña
Philosophical Anthropology : Wittgenstein’s Perspective
Jesús Padilla Gálvez
Jurisprudencia en broma y en serio
Rudolf von Jhering
Organizational environments : ritual and rationality
John W. Meyer
The nature of legal onterpretation : what jurists can learn about legal interpretation from linguistics and philosophy
Brian G. Slocum
Shakespeare : la comedia de la ley
François Ost
Law and the relational self
Jonathan Herring
Fichte’s ethical thought
Allen W. Wood
Ronald Dworkin and contemporary jurisprudence
Marshall Cohen
Selling hope, selling risk : corporations, Wall Street, and the dilemmas of investor protection
Donald C. Langevoort
Virtuous emotions
Kristján Kristjánsson
Social dimensions of moral responsibility
Katrina Hutchinson
Oxford studies in normative ethics
Mark Timmons
Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law : Legality and Legitimacy
Lars Vinx
Explanation beyond causation : philosophical perspectives on non-causal explanations
Alexander Reutlinger
Being and owning : the body, bodily material, and the law
Jesse Wall
After injury : a historical anatomy of forgiveness, resentment, and apology
Ashraf H. A. Rushdy
Código de comercio : anotaciones y concordancias, índice temático, títulos de artículos del cuerpo del código y de las normas del apéndice
José Ignacio Díaz Villalobos
A theory of fields
Neil Fligstein
Responsibility from the margins
David Shoemaker
Oxford studies in philosophy of law
Leslie Green
Ignorance of law: a philosophical inquiry
Douglas N. Husak
Exploring Law’s Empire : The Jurisprudence of Ronald Dworkin
Scott Hershovitz
Authorities : conflicts, cooperation, and transnational legal theory
Nicole Roughan
The decline of private law : A Philosophical History of Liberal Legalism
Gonçalo de Almeida Ribeiro