A un click

A un clickALUMNOS






Mobitecture : architecture on the move
Rebecca Roke
Infographics : designing and visualizing data
Wang Shaoqiang (editor)
Herman Miller : a way of living
Amy Auscherman, Sam Grawe and Leon Ransmeier (editores)
Finn Juhl : life, work, world
Christian Bundegaard
Escritos preulmianos
Tomás Maldonado
Design for Children : play, ride, learn, eat, create, sit, sleep
Kimberlie Birks
Bubbletecture : inflatable architecture and design
Sharon Francis
Bertoia : the metalworker
Beverly H. Twitchell
Architect for better days
Jean Prouvé
The architecture of taste
Pierre Hermé
Critical theory and legal autopoiesis : the case for societal constitutionalism
Gunther Teubner
Peace through trade : building the world trade organization
Debra P. Steger
El Islam
Pedro Martínez Montávez
Hilos de América : textiles originarios
Liliana Ulloa
A grammar of biblical hebrew
Paul Joüon
Data mining : concepts and techniques
Jiawei Han
Introductory mining engineering
Howard L. Hartman
On. Modo espejo eléctrico
Andrea Leyton Beltran
Las siete edades
Louise Glück
Psicología social
Juan Moya
Oxford advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English
Albert Sydney Hornby
Dynamical systems with applications using Python
Stephen Lynch
Mineral resource estimation
Mario Rossi
The codebreakers : the comprehensive history of secret communication from ancient times to the internet
David Kahn
Radiografía de una derrota : o cómo Chile cambió sin que la concertación se diera cuenta
Eugenio Tironi
The origins of political order : from prehuman times to the French Revolution
Francis Fukuyama
Que gane «el más mejor» : Mérito y competencia en el Chile de hoy
Eduardo Engel
El estudio de las políticas públicas
Harold D Lasswell
Peter Sloterdijk