Te invitamos a conocer los primeros trabajos de investigación UAI indexados durante este 2020 en Web of Science (WoS).
- Operating room scheduling under waiting time constraints: the Chilean GES plan / Javiera Barrera. Ver
- Evaluating the reliability of neurocognitive biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases across countries: A machine learning approach / Agustín Ibáñez. Ver
- Angular dependence of the magnetic properties of Permalloy nanowire arrays: A comparative analysis between experiment and simulation/ Alejandro Pereira. Ver
- Derivation of cable equation by multiscale analysis for a model of myelinated axons / Carlos Jerez. Ver
- Predator interference in a Leslie-Gower intraguild predation model / Yrina Vera. Ver
- Digested blackwater treatment in a partial nitritation-anammox reactor under repeated starvation and reactivation periods / José Luis Campos. Ver
- Decision support for strategic energy planning: A robust optimization framework / Frederic Babonneau. Ver
- Neural underpinnings of value-guided choice during auction tasks: An eye-fixation related potentials study / Vicente Soto. Ver
- A game theory approach to the existence and uniqueness of nonlinear Perron-Frobenius eigenvectors / Antoine Hochart. Ver
Web of Science
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